Results for 'Nathanja van den Heuvel'

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  1.  4
    De Belangrijkheid Van Onbelangrijkheid. Voetbal, Feminisme En Vrijheid.Nathanja van den Heuvel - 2022 - de Uil Van Minerva 35 (1).
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    Feminism after Gaia: Care and the Posthuman.Nathanja van den Heuvel - 2023 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 43 (1):152-154.
    The prior issue of Krisis (42:1) published Critical Naturalism: A Manifesto, with the aim to instigate a debate of the issues raised in this manifesto – the necessary re-thinking of the role (and the concept) of nature in critical theory in relation to questions of ecology, health, and inequality. Since Krisis considers itself a place for philosophical debates that take contemporary struggles as starting point, it issued an open call and solicited responses to the manifesto. This is one of the (...)
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    Prophecies and Protests: Ubuntu in Glocal Management.Henk van den Heuvel, Mzamo Mangaliso & Lisa van de Bunt (eds.) - 2006 - Rozenberg ; [Etc.].
    Especially today, the central theme of the book is relevant, in an era of worldwide cultural diffusion, and a longing for authenticity and romanticized ...
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    Bonhoeffer’s Christocentric Theology and Fundamental Debates in Environmental Ethics.Steven C. Van den Heuvel - 2017 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    There is widespread understanding of the close connection between religion and the ecological crisis, and that in order to amend this crisis, theological resources are needed. This monograph seeks to contribute to this endeavor by engaging the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. His theology is particularly suitable in this context, due to its open-ended nature, and to the prophetic and radical nature of the questions he was prepared to ask--that is why there are many other attempts to contextualize Bonhoeffer's theology in (...)
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    Tracking Infant Development With a Smartphone: A Practical Guide to the Experience Sampling Method.Marion I. van den Heuvel, Anne Bülow, Vera E. Heininga, Elisabeth L. de Moor, Loes H. C. Janssen, Mariek Vanden Abeele & Myrthe G. B. M. Boekhorst - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced developmental researchers to rethink their traditional research practices. The growing need to study infant development at a distance has shifted our research paradigm to online and digital monitoring of infants and families, using electronic devices, such as smartphones. In this practical guide, we introduce the Experience Sampling Method – a research method to collect data, in the moment, on multiple occasions over time – for examining infant development at a distance. ESM is highly suited for (...)
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    Leibniz in Berlin: Ausstellung im Schloss Charlottenburg, 10. Juni-22. Juli 1987.Gerd van den Heuvel - 1987 - Berlin: Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlösser und Gärten in Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Leibnizarchiv der Niedersächsischen Landesbibliothek.
  7. Theological ethics and moral value phenomena: the experience of values.van den Heuvel & C. Steven (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Network hubs in the human brain.Martijn P. van den Heuvel & Olaf Sporns - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (12):683-696.
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    August 1705 – April 1706.Malte-Ludolf Babin, Gerd van den Heuvel & Regina Stuber - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    Leibniz’ Briefwechsel wird 1705/06 vor allem von den politischen und militärischen Großereignissen bestimmt, über deren Verlauf sich Leibniz informieren lässt und zu denen er eigene Einschätzungen an seine Korrespondenten weitergibt: Zum Spanischen Erbfolgekrieg, zum Nordischen Krieg und zu der Aussicht des Hauses Hannover auf die Thronfolge in England. Um letztere zu forcieren und eine Einladung der Kurfürstin Sophie nach England zu erzwingen, entwirft und publiziert er im Namen von Rowland Gwynne ein Pamphlet, das in London jedoch das genaue Gegenteil bewirkt (...)
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    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten.Reinhard Finster & Gerd van den Heuvel (eds.) - 1990 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
    Reinhard Finster, Gerd van den Heuvel: "Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz". Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. rowohlts monographien. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1990. 158 S., br., 10,80 DM.
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    Altered Functional Connectivity in Resting State Networks in Tourette’s Disorder.Siyan Fan, Odile A. van den Heuvel, Danielle C. Cath, Stella J. de Wit, Chris Vriend, Dick J. Veltman & Ysbrand D. van der Werf - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    The Theocentric Perspective of Laudato Si’: A Critical Discussion.Steven C. van den Heuvel - 2018 - Philosophia Reformata 83 (1):51-67.
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    Vrijheid gelijkheid broederschap: oude waarden in nieuwe tijden.Maarten van den Heuvel - 2014 - Amsterdam: Boom.
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    Simulated rich club lesioning in brain networks: a scaffold for communication and integration?Marcel A. de Reus & Martijn P. van den Heuvel - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Ethiek in beweging: bewegen en ethiek in onderwijs, sport en gezondheidscentra.Hilde Bax & Anton van den Heuvel - 1999 - Assen: Van Gorcum. Edited by Anton van den Heuvel.
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    Laat de aarde juichen: Duurzaam beheer van de schepping, edited by Henk Jochemsen and Jan van der Stoep.Steven C. van den Heuvel - 2024 - Philosophia Reformata 89 (2):267-272.
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    Sex, Drugs, and Impulse Regulation: A Perspective on Reducing Transmission Risk Behavior and Improving Mental Health Among MSM Living With HIV.Rachel M. Arends, Thom J. van den Heuvel, Eline G. J. Foeken-Verwoert, Karin J. T. Grintjes, Hans J. G. Keizer, Aart H. Schene, André J. A. M. van der Ven & Arnt F. A. Schellekens - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system: nuclear genes and human genetic diseases.Lambert van den Heuvel & Jan Smeitink - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (6):518-525.
    The ubiquitous nature of mitochondria, the dual genetic foundation of the respiratory chain in mitochondrial and nuclear genome, and the peculiar rules of mitochondrial genetics all contribute to the extraordinary heterogeneity of clinical disorders associated with defects of oxidative phosphorylation (mitochondrial encephalomyopathies). Here, we review recent findings about nuclear gene defects in isolated OXPHOS enzyme complex deficiency. This information should help in identifying patients with mitochondrial disease and defining a biochemical and molecular basis of the disorder found in each patient. (...)
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    Value Reorientation and Intergenerational Conflicts in Ageing Societies.Wim J. A. Van Den Heuvel - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (2):201-220.
    The Ageing of societies is a unique historical development of mankind. Today, such ageing is recognized as a threat for developed societies. There is fear of increasing inequality in health and in access to health care. Apart from the costs of ageing and care, such fear creates intergenerational conflicts. This paper explores what values are at stake when a society ages. At issue here is the social position of the old citizens and the way in which they are regarded by (...)
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    Servant Leadership, Social Entrepreneurship and the Will to Serve: Spiritual Foundations and Business Applications.Luk Bouckaert & Steven C. Van den Heuvel (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book brings together a number of important essays on the intersection of servant leadership and social entrepreneurship, examining them through a shared focus on ‘the will to serve’. This combination bears out the insight that inspiring social and economic leaders are able to transform a conflictual human settlement into a collaborative and caring human community. The book seeks to answer the question of whether we can induce from their ‘way of doing things’ a model of civic entrepreneurship and leadership (...)
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    The growth habits and surface structure of ice crystals.B. J. Mason, G. W. Bryant & A. P. Van den Heuvel - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (87):505-526.
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    How to validate clinically important change in health‐related functional status. Is the magnitude of the effect size consistently related to magnitude of change as indicated by a global question rating?Berrie Middel, Roy Stewart, Jelte Bouma, Eric van Sonderen & Wim J. A. Van den Heuvel - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (4):399-410.
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    Publication and non-publication of clinical trials in PTSD: an overview.Soraya Seedat, Jonathan I. Bisson, Alexandra Suryapranata, Leigh van den Heuvel & Sharain Suliman - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    BackgroundAlthough a large number of clinical trials on interventions demonstrating efficacy (or lack thereof) are conducted annually, much of this evidence is not accessible to scientists and clinicians.ObjectivesWe aimed to determine the publication rate of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) trials that have been registered in clinical trial registries, and the factors associated with publication.MethodsTrials, completed on January 15, 2015, were identified via the US National Institutes of Health clinical trials registry, the European Union Clinical Trials Register and the WHO International (...)
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    Improving the generalizability of infant psychological research: The ManyBabies model.Ingmar Visser, Christina Bergmann, Krista Byers-Heinlein, Rodrigo Dal Ben, Wlodzislaw Duch, Samuel Forbes, Laura Franchin, Michael C. Frank, Alessandra Geraci, J. Kiley Hamlin, Zsuzsa Kaldy, Louisa Kulke, Catherine Laverty, Casey Lew-Williams, Victoria Mateu, Julien Mayor, David Moreau, Iris Nomikou, Tobias Schuwerk, Elizabeth A. Simpson, Leher Singh, Melanie Soderstrom, Jessica Sullivan, Marion I. van den Heuvel, Gert Westermann, Yuki Yamada, Lorijn Zaadnoordijk & Martin Zettersten - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Yarkoni's analysis clearly articulates a number of concerns limiting the generalizability and explanatory power of psychological findings, many of which are compounded in infancy research. ManyBabies addresses these concerns via a radically collaborative, large-scale and open approach to research that is grounded in theory-building, committed to diversification, and focused on understanding sources of variation.
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  25. On development of functional brain connectivity in the young brain.G. E. Anna-Jasmijn Hoff, M. P. Van den Heuvel, Manon J. N. L. Benders, Karina J. Kersbergen & L. S. De Vries - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    A genetic researcher’s devil’s dilemma: Warn relatives about their genetic risk or respect confidentiality agreements with research participants?Imke Christiaans, M. Corrette Ploem, Els L. M. Maeckelberghe & Lieke M. van den Heuvel - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundWith advances in sequencing technologies, increasing numbers of people are being informed about a genetic disease identified in their family. In current practice, probands are asked to inform at-risk relatives about the diagnosis. However, previous research has shown that relatives are sometimes not informed due to barriers such as family conflicts. Research on family communication in genetic diseases aims to explore the difficulties encountered in informing relatives and to identify ways to support probands in this.Main bodyResearch on family communication may (...)
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    A Career Crafting Training Program: Results of an Intervention Study.Evelien H. van Leeuwen, Toon W. Taris, Machteld van den Heuvel, Eva Knies, Elizabeth L. J. van Rensen & Jan-Willem J. Lammers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This intervention study examined the effects of a career crafting training on physicians' perceptions of their job crafting behaviors, career self-management, and employability. A total of 154 physicians working in two hospitals in a large Dutch city were randomly assigned to a waitlist control group or an intervention group. Physicians in the intervention group received an accredited training on career crafting, including a mix of theory, self-reflection, and exercises. Participants developed four career crafting goals during the training, to work on (...)
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    Principles of animal development.Marcel van den Heuvel - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (11):1079-1079.
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    Charles van den Heuvel. “De Huysbou”: A Reconstruction of an Unfinished Treatise on Architecture, Town Planning, and Civil Engineering by Simon Stevin. x + 544 pp., illus., figs., bibl., index. Amsterdam: Edita, 2005. €89. [REVIEW]Wolfgang Lefèvre - 2007 - Isis 98 (1):178-179.
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    Book review: Steven C. Van Den Heuvel, Bonhoeffer’s Christocentric Theology and Fundamental Debates in Environmental Ethics[REVIEW]Benjamin J. Burkholder - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (3):429-433.
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    Leibniz’s Letters: Malte-Ludolf Babin, Gerd van den Heuvel, and Regina Stuber (Eds): Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe. Erste Reihe: Allgemeiner politischer und historischer Briefwechsel. Volume 25 (August 1705–April 1706). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2017, lxii + 959 pp, €259.95 HB.Philip Beeley - 2020 - Metascience 29 (2):263-266.
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    University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA, USA March 24–27, 2011.G. Aldo Antonelli, Laurent Bienvenu, Lou van den Dries, Deirdre Haskell, Justin Moore, Christian Rosendal Uic, Neil Thapen & Simon Thomas - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (2).
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    Jan Hendrik van den Berg Answers Some Questions.J. H. van den Berg & Robert D. Romanyshyn - 2008 - Janus Head 10 (2):377-383.
    In this interview with Jan Hendrik van den Berg, the Dutch phenomenologist and psychiatrist addresses the origins of his work, his most significant influences, and the purpose of metabletic phenomenology in the modern age. In the course of the interview. Dr. Van den Berg provides a basic overview of his work, and highlights the central finding of his metabletic analyses: a loss of wonder before nature, which results from the more fundamental loss of genuine spirituality in the modern world.
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    (1 other version)Suggestions to Improve the Comprehensibility of Current Definitions of Scientific Authorship for International Authors.Mohammad Hosseini, Luca Consoli, H. A. E. Zwart & Mariette A. Van den Hoven - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics:1-21.
    Much has been said about the need for improving the current definitions of scientific authorship, but an aspect that is often overlooked is how to formulate and communicate these definitions to ensure that they are comprehensible and useful for researchers, notably researchers active in international research consortia. In light of a rapid increase in international collaborations within natural sciences, this article uses authorship of this branch of sciences as an example and provides suggestions to improve the comprehensibility of the definitions (...)
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    De Novis Libris Iudicia.W. J. W. Koster, A. Hoekstra, G. Van Hoorn, J. C. Kamerbeek, G. J. De Vries, G. Nuchelmans, P. J. Enk, H. Wagenvoort, Th H. Sluiter & Michiel Van Den Hout - 1954 - Mnemosyne 7 (1):69-86.
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    Modeling Recognition Memory Using the Similarity Structure of Natural Input.Joyca P. W. Lacroix, Jaap M. J. Murre, Eric O. Postma & H. Jaap van den Herik - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (1):121-145.
    The natural input memory (NIM) model is a new model for recognition memory that operates on natural visual input. A biologically informed perceptual preprocessing method takes local samples (eye fixations) from a natural image and translates these into a feature‐vector representation. During recognition, the model compares incoming preprocessed natural input to stored representations. By complementing the recognition memory process with a perceptual front end, the NIM model is able to make predictions about memorability based directly on individual natural stimuli. We (...)
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    The subjective experience of response conflict: A study on the neural timecourse of metacognition.Desender Kobe, Van Opstal Filip & Van Den Bussche Eva - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  38. Evidence for multiple processing stages involved in colour judgments under changing illumination.J. van Es, T. Vladusich, R. van den Berg & F. W. Cornelissen - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 66-66.
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  39. Walter Benjamin.W. Van Reijen, N. Bolz & Hubert Van den Bergh - 1993 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (1):166-167.
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    Bookreviews.Katrin Hauspie, Bart J. Koet, H. Rikhof, Stefan Mangnus, Carlo Leget, W. Van Herck, Jean-Jacques Suurmond, Marinus van den Berg & Paul Schotsmans - 2004 - Bijdragen 65 (1):114-124.
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    Participation in a single-blinded pediatric therapeutic strategy study for juvenile idiopathic arthritis: are parents and patient-participants in equipoise?Petra C. E. Hissink Muller, Bahar Yildiz, Cornelia F. Allaart, Danielle M. C. Brinkman, Marion van Rossum, Lisette W. A. van Suijlekom-Smit, J. Merlijn van den Berg, Rebecca ten Cate & Martine C. de Vries - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-9.
    Background Genuine uncertainty on superiority of one intervention over the other is called equipoise. Physician-investigators in randomized controlled trials need equipoise at least in studies with more than minimal risks. Ideally, this equipoise is also present in patient-participants. In pediatrics, data on equipoise are lacking. We hypothesize that 1) lack of equipoise at enrolment among parents may reduce recruitment; 2) lack of equipoise during participation may reduce retention in patients assigned to a less favoured treatment-strategy. Methods We compared preferences of (...)
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  42. Metabletica van God. De drie voornaamste veranderingen.J. van den Berg - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (3):597-598.
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    Contingency awareness in a symptom learning paradigm: Necessary but not sufficient?Stephan Devriese, Winnie Winters, Ilse Van Diest & Omer Van den Bergh - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (3):439-452.
    In previous studies, we found that bodily symptoms can be learned in a differential conditioning paradigm, using odors as conditioned stimuli and CO2-enriched air as unconditioned stimulus . However, this only occurred when the odor CS had a negative valence , and tended to be more pronounced in persons scoring high for Negative Affectivity . This paper considers the necessity and/or sufficiency of awareness of the CS–US contingency in three studies using this paradigm. The relation between contingency awareness and the (...)
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  44. Linguistic know-how and the orders of language.Jasper van den Herik - 2017 - Language Sciences 61:17-27.
    This paper proposes an account of linguistic knowledge in terms of knowing-how, starting from Love's seminal distinction between first-order linguistic activity and second-order (or metalinguistic) practices. Metalinguistic practices are argued to be constitutive of linguistic knowledge. Skilful linguistic behaviour is subject to correction based on criterial support provided through metalinguistic practices. Linguistic know-how is knowing-how to provide and to recognise criterial support for first-order linguistic activity. I conclude that participation in first-order linguistic activity requires a critical reflective attitude, which implies (...)
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  45. Kant on Vital Forces: Metaphysical concerns versus Scientific Practice.Hein van den Berg - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 115-135.
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    Mag ik uw genen even patenteren?Henk van den Belt - 2004 - Krisis 2004 (2):22-37.
    In Het kapitaal beschreef Karl Marx in uiterst schrille kleuren de voorgeschiedenis van de kapitalistische productiewijze. Het was een langdurig proces dat zich over eeuwen uitstrekte en waarbij kleine boeren op gewelddadige wijze van hun primaire productiemiddel, de grond, werden gescheiden en aldus in 'vrije' loonarbeiders veranderd. De kern van dit proces was de privatisering van de meent of commons, de traditioneel voor gemeenschappelijk gebruik bestemde grond.
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    Agents and Artificial Intelligence.Jasper van den Herik, A. Rocha & J. Filipe (eds.) - 2017 - Springer.
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    Rules as Resources: An Ecological-Enactive Perspective on Linguistic Normativity.Jasper C. van den Herik - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):93-116.
    In this paper, I develop an ecological-enactive perspective on the role rules play in linguistic behaviour. I formulate and motivate the hypothesis that metalinguistic reflexivity – our ability to talk about talking – is constitutive of linguistic normativity. On first sight, this hypothesis might seem to fall prey to a regress objection. By discussing the work of Searle, I show that this regress objection originates in the idea that learning language involves learning to follow rules from the very start. I (...)
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    Engineering and the Problem of Moral Overload.Jeroen Van den Hoven, Gert-Jan Lokhorst & Ibo Van de Poel - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (1):143-155.
    When thinking about ethics, technology is often only mentioned as the source of our problems, not as a potential solution to our moral dilemmas. When thinking about technology, ethics is often only mentioned as a constraint on developments, not as a source and spring of innovation. In this paper, we argue that ethics can be the source of technological development rather than just a constraint and technological progress can create moral progress rather than just moral problems. We show this by (...)
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  50. Opeenvolgen van rechtsregels..Hijmans van den Bergh & J. L. - 1928 - Utrecht,: Drukkerij P. den Boer.
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